I Am More Than My Experiences Workbook


“I Am More Than My Experiences” Workbook Paperback
Envision A Clearer Picture of You



“I Am More Than My Experiences” Workbook
Envision a clearer Picture of You

A deep dive into “I Am More Than My Experiences” book

You can get used to seeing things through a dim distorted glass or a broken lens. Having a shattered lens and view of oneself can give a warped and broken perspective. It will be hard to receive new beautiful things when you don’t believe you are worthy of them. Doubting yourself can haunt you and make you feel “less than,” when you are “more than.” Your life should be lived from the inside out. You were not meant to have external circumstances alter your course. Don’t allow a horrible thing (or even a good thing) to stop you from living the marvelous life that God has for you. Instead of repeating your past, reset your future by bringing to light your true identity. Break out from the invisible limits that have been placed on you by your past, and explore the new possibilities of your future! Let the world see your true beauty, worth, and purpose —your identity!